Natalie Zed: Defying Gravity

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Unemployment is awesome

After my initial "I am going to starve and get evicted and have to pan-handle *weep*" freak-out when I was first laid off, being unemployed started to look okay. Today, as I handed in the last of my class materials and said a temporary goodbye to my coworkers, unemployment started to look AWESOME.

Here are a few reasons why:

1) Movies

In May alone, I have X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Biceps!), Terminator: Salvation ("Do I go around messing with your lights?!"), Star Trek (Sylar and Spock!), Up (Pixar!), and Drag Me to Hell (Sam Raimi!) all making me squee with joy. I Plan to see most on opening night or thereabouts, which I could have done while still being gainfully employed. But, after the opening-night nerdfest experience, I might want to review certain points, so as to participate more effectively in a deep conversation about the size of Hugh Jackmans's biceps. And for that, there's nothing like a matinee (avec flask).

2) Comic Books

Free Comic Book Day and the Toronto Comic Arts Festival are also both rocking in May, and I am going to need days to prepare. Also, I'll now have all the time int he world to read my new acquisitions.

3) Patios

Spring seemed to be giving us all the collective finger. Then, I taught my last class at Hogwarts, and something miraculous happened: it got freaking beautiful out. The next three days feature highs in the mid-twenties. I plan of ordering me some coronas, planting myself on a patio, and not moving for several hours.

4) Reading

I just picked up the first Definitive Edition of Y: The Last Man, both trades of Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E, the first two trades of Sam Keith's The Maxx, and assorted other goodies from the Hobby Star Fan Appreciation Event last weekend. I am also working my way through K. J. Parker's Devices and Desires. In addition, there's a ton of kickass poetry coming out this season, so I think I am going to had to set myself up with some seasonal subscriptions too. Comic books, fantasy novels, and experimental poetry. That's how I roll.

5) Not Having to Go To Bed

This point is key. Poets, you see, see no problem with having an amazing event with tons of cool people and cheap beer on a Tuesday. That has meant that if I could go (sometimes marking DADA reports took precedence) I'd have to teetotal and leave early, which goes against my party style entirely. Now, however, it can be a bloody Monday and I won't have to worry about feeling like death the next day if I have some gin and tonics and close the place down.

Not being a productive member of society isn't such a bad thing after all. I think I'm going to go sit in the sun with some Warren Ellis and start being useless.

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Natalie Zed updated @ 4:41 p.m.!!